Friday, February 24, 2012

Valentines Day, Pancake Day, and other art.

Since Pancake and Valentines Day are in Feburary I drew stuff and since I was bored I drew more random stuff..... Enjoy!

 Angelic Wing Bow, Demonic(or Dragon) Wing bow, Demonic Thorn Bow, (I don't know what to call it...), Lightning Bow, Dragon Bow, Normal Bow, Skull Bow, Cupids' Bow, Lucky Shot,

 Starting bottom up: IDK, Heavy Platinum Blade, Platinum Blade, Demonic Fire. Rune Sword, On the side: Demonic Thorn Blade.

Bottom Left: Chakram, Skull Chakram, Angelic Blade, Random Ninja Star..., Top right: Lily Dagger, Mother's Day Flower Sword, Masasume Sword, Below that: Dual Katana, Beside that: Cursed Dagger, Top Left corner: Valentinian Heart Blade, Heart Blade.

PANCAKE DAYS: Pancake Special (FEATURES: A Pancake Poncho, Pancake boots, a pancake sombrarerrow, Frying pan, and Pancake Flipper :D)

lol I'll work on my art....